Adulting Skills — Decompress the Stress RSS

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: Holiday Energy Inventory

One of the most effective strategies to manage holiday stress is to plan ahead to prevent holiday meltdowns. We come into the holiday season with a mix of feelings, happy and sad, maybe even with some anxiety. The logistics, expectations, commitments and obligations can be so overwhelming. But, if we look at what we've done previous years and what we can do before the holiday season this year then we can put some strategies in place. This isn't about creating the perfect holiday -- this is about creating a realistic and enjoyable holiday season. Let's start with taking measure of your own holiday emotions and energy levels. Get out a pen and paper, jot down some feelings words. Push yourself...

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Decompress the Stress: Energy Inventory

What is your energy level right now? Do you feel like a hummingbird, sloth, grizzly bear, worker bee, or something else? Take time to think through how your body physically feels. Scan your body, posture, gut, breathing, head/neck/shoulders. Are you carrying pain or tightness? Are you breathing shallowly instead of taking clean, deep breaths? Are you holding tension in your back? Are you bouncing and fidgeting out of boredom or anxiety? Mark the spot below that feels most like your energy right now. energy image here What about your mental energy? Is it early in the day, mid-day, or late at night? How awake are you? Is this a good time for focus, or are you winding down from a...

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Decompress the Stress: Anticipate Anxiety

If I asked you what makes you anxious, it probably wouldn't take long to come up with some go to things, and most likely they are things like public speaking, job interviews, and first dates. It's easy to feel the nerves, the stomach flutter, and the flush of your skin even when just thinking about those things. Let's take that intuition a step further and look at your plans for this week.  Zoom In Is there anything on your calendar that is holding a sense of dread, anything you secretly wish you could reschedule? Are there any times when you always feel stressed - running late to pick the kids because your standing Wednesday meeting runs long? Mark those moments on...

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Decompress the Stress: Redefine Self-care

Self-care is a trendy concept, but what is self-care? Is it sitting by the pool or getting a massage?  Self-care Purpose Self-care is evaluating and doing things that result in being less stressed or more at peace within yourself. Self-care is self-awareness. Because you are unique, the care for yourself will look different than what someone else needs to do. It should include checking your mental and physical health and doing what your body and mind need. Here are some examples of ways to be more self-aware and care for yourself: A body scan is a great way to check in on yourself. Try asking yourself how your body feels in this position. Do it right now, even as you...

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Decompress the Stress: Re-charge Practice

Practice this re-charge.  What is your energy level right now? Do you feel like a hummingbird, a sloth, a grizzly bear, a worker bee, or something else? Take time to think through how your body physically feels. Scan your body, posture, gut, breathing, head/neck/shoulders. Are you carrying pain or tightness? Are you breathing shallowly instead of taking clean, deep breaths? Are you holding tension in your back? Are you bouncing and fidgeting out of boredom or anxiety? Mark the spot below that feels most like your energy right now. What about your mental energy? Is it early in the day, mid-day, or late at night? How awake are you? Is this a good time for focus, or are you winding...

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