Adulting Skills — Get Organized RSS

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Get Organized: Help Them Help You

Accountability means taking responsibility for your own stuff. If you find yourself saying: “I didn’t know,” “No one made me a list,” or “No one told me what to do.” Then you aren’t being accountable for your own responsibilities. Yet sometimes, we do need someone else’s assistance. Accountability partners can help you reduce stress and pain, allowing you to refocus on the task. Accountability partners can be a friend, a colleague, a co-worker, a family member — someone who is interested in you as a person and wants you to do well. This person isn’t going to help you do the work, answer your questions about the work, or get mad if you don’t get things done. Instead, this is...

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Get Organized: Stop Relying on Working Memory

Lists! (Stop relying on your working memory!) Working memory is the part of your brain focused on immediate tasks, steps, to-dos, and conversations (ie: choosing your words carefully). But when you use your working memory for too many tasks and challenges, it causes cognitive fatigue. If you struggle with paying attention, remaining focused, and task completion -- you need to learn to use external tricks instead of relying on your brain to hold a million details.  This is where lists come in handy; when you are trying to get a lot of things done, lists can feel like a waste of time or the best idea ever. Understanding what they are good for will help you decide when to use...

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